So school is out... maybe for summer, but let’s hope not. That’s not something I’d expect a teacher to say, but there it is.
Like the rest of the part time workers out there, I have seen a potentially super busy spring, turn into an empty diary, within the space of a week.

The teacher supply agency got in touch to ask about possible work in children ‘s and care homes. Will be glad to be helping out and busy if it transpires that they need help.
I partook in a quiet experience in the supermarket on Monday. Fully stocked and calm. I’m gonna go local from now on though.
My small people have taken note of all my online passwords, so are keeping their screen time scores up. I thought they were potential table leaders already. Now that there is only screen time school, I reckon they are in the running for medals at next years Olympics. Along with the schooling they’ve been sending and sharing silliness as always.

We got told in the 80’s that our eyes would go square if we watched too much tv. Now we’re encouraging them.
It seems like the farmers have joined the panic buying. So still no oil for heating. Now that I‘ve got the time, I’m getting into a routine of kindling collection, axing and fire laying and lighting.
The glorious sunshine has found me busting myself in the garden. Manure shovelled. Raspberries planted and seeds watered.

Then I spent a couple of hours searching for chestnut posts in the woods. Heavy work measuring, sawing and moving cut trees. Th are going to be fence posts round the garden to try to keep out the deer.
The ride to the woods on such a glorious spring day was a real delight.
And so I’m off teachering tomorrow at another school in our federation. We’ve only got 3 children apparently, so I’m looking forward to getting to know a very few new small people. I hope they spend time showing me their outside space and field. Maybe there’s a chance for some Forest School after all.