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Tuesday tales

We took an alternative route to the woods today, to avoid some of the mud. The children told tales and shared memories of walks and adventures they had had along the railway line in the past with their friends and families.

"I rode my bike here with my family"

"I came on a walk and fell in the yucky water!"

"The pools are always orange because of the iron, look, there it is, orange water"

"The water is not as deep as it is sometimes"

"Do you remember we came here and followed the path up the side of the track up high?"

"Yeah, we had our snacks up there!"

"That ivy so long, we could swing on it!"

We found frogspawn in the same pool it is laid in every year and wondered at some amazingly coloured scarlet fungi beside the track. The Spring lambs have started and the children took time to watch them from the gates of the fields.

Once in the woods, the children took to stream damming, hiding, climbing, swinging, log rolling and bug discovering amongst other things; strengthening their connections with the world of the woods and each other.


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