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Summer Sun

It's the end of another week. It's the end of another term. It's the end of another year. That all came round a bit quick this time. We are hoping that the summer sun stays shining for a bright and full for a fair few weeks yet. It was perfect for a physically distanced, outdoor afternoon tea to say farewell to some colleagues and briefly celebrate all that has gone on during this bonkers year so far.

This weekend we've had a day off and time in the sun by the seaside to kick off the summer holidays. Swimming in the sea and enjoying the gorgeous Sussex Coast by watching ferries depart for foreign lands, eating burgers in the sunset and going on a fairground wheel (even though we are scared of heights!) It seems that the lack of a further flung holiday is giving us the chance for some local mini adventures, which is a real treat after the past few months.

But now the holidays are here, it's back to concentrating on getting back tho the woods. We are continually reviewing our risk assessments. These are some important points:

  • Hand washing, hand washing, hand washing

  • Catch it, bin it, kill it

  • Pick up: Please stay in car and ensure you maintain 2m from others when dropping off and collecting children and do not touch objects in farmyard

  • If you or your child show symptoms, please inform us immediately. If symptoms develop during the session we will require child to be picked up immediately

  • Only bring your own food. We will not be cooking and sharing food together. And please NO NUTS

  • Session sizes are being kept very small

  • We will wash all used equipment used at the end of each each day

  • We will plan sessions to ensure any games or activities with close physical contact are minimised

  • Be aware that not all risks can ever be removed, but the risk benefit of attending sessions is always in the favour of playing in the woods

If you want to see our in-depth risk assessment, then please email

We are very pleased that so many children and families are coming to stay and play and learn in the woods with us. We only have very few spaces left, so if you would like to book a session, then please do get in contact soon.

So it's back to a bit of restorative Sunday gardening and making summer salads from our home grown produce. And then we'll spend some more time planning brilliant things to do in the woods with our prospective small adventurers. Happy summer y'all.


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