Despite a slight drizzle of rain in the air, we had a wonderfully free and dry morning. A new group of children and their carers came to learn and explore in the woods.
This is the time of year when swallows set off on their huge migratory journey to the far distant southern fringes of Africa. Having watched them fly and feed fleetingly on the wing throughout the summer, we thought we would mark their leaving. With clay dug from our ground and some card, the children collected some feathers and leaves and lichen to decorate and finesse their swallows.
This led to further exploration of clay, digging, mixing and poking at it with sticks. Some children found it made excellent mortar to fix the wooden rounds they were playing with together. Some continued to enjoy the building and knocking down of their constructions.
There was swinging and exploring and climbing and bouncing and peeking through dens to keep all busy in their woodland pottering.
Our new shelter provided a welcoming log circle to gather for a mid-morning snack and a space to start to chat and get to know each other.
We ended with some parachute games and laughter and then set off back up the hill refreshed, having made some new connections with nature and others.