It has been a long, cold winter for many reasons. We've been quietly holed up at home, like the rest of the world. As with everyone, it's been a challenge, but we've also used the time of quiet to rest, recuperate and actually connect with the winter season of darkness and cold. By hunkering down, we've been taking it slowly, reflecting and waiting for the time to pass until we are ready to creep out to greet the Spring, the sun, the warmth and the connections we all so need for nourishment.
It has seemed like we've been up to nothing much, but now as we start to poke our heads out into the emerging sunshine, and look around, like the flowers and bumblebees, we can see and reflect on all the small steps we've taken and our minor achievements.
It was fun in the snow and after 4 weeks worth of forecasts, we managed to have a little play out there with our sledges!
The cold and the ice was used for its beauty to make some ice pendants and then enjoy the ice smashing- always a win!
The garden is a constant space to potter in, so the time was welcome to pull the last of the leeks, and clear and fix and mend and scheme and plan and the beds are partly prepared and seeds are bought, ready for the warmth of the growing period ahead.
We have done some professional development with our Local Forest School Association Group and learned a bit more about how to look after our tools better. Then had a go at carving a little mushroom. It is always brilliant to refresh and learn from others and a vital part of being a Forest School practitioner.
We've got some more exciting times ahead hopefully. We've been working on developing a pilot with 'The Good Company People' , who are are launching their first service in the Crowborough area to provide Good Company to people who are socially isolated, many of whom are living with dementia. We hope to 'host' people at home and in the woods in the coming months as part of the pilot development. If anyone locally wants to find out more or get involved, please get in touch with the wonderful
We have been in contact with 'Children's Forest' to connect with them and learn about their brilliant ideas for 'Planting a Vision- For children worldwide to imagine, plant and tend protected forests for future generations, creating a sanctuary for the children of all species.' We are meeting next week to walk the land and find out more about how we can support and share in their vision.
With the recent announcements, we've had time to plan and get excited about hosting and holding groups again in the woodland space. It is a much needed and anticipated thing to bring joy, well-being and important connections to others and the land. Good times in Spring are ahead of us all.