I’ve been brought up not to say the ‘C’ word, so I’m not going to utter it just now.
Back in the real world, I brought Forest School inside for the day. I’ve recently bought a BRILLIANT ( in capital letters) book by some wonderful women I used to work with. It inspired me for today’s time with the children. Check it out.

After some great foraging around and about with 24 children, a bounty of spring greens were collected and snipped up with scissors. We then had a brilliant day making nettle soup. It’s great for bringing strength and bringing down a fever.
The children then wrote recipes and made leather pouches for collecting and storing treasure. They might have a go at writing their own Forest school blogs, which I’ve said I would publish here, so watch this space!

We played a couple of games of ‘fox and rabbit’ and then made, cooked and ate some chocolate oranges.
The after school club ambled along to the woods as usual.

We tasted some primroses petals and newly emerged hawthorn leaves. We drilled some name disks, played in the stream, and talked about world we saw around us.
The wood anemones were out in small swathes and it seems as if spring is on the way.
