I spent a day in school today. All very peaceful and clam. Quite unlike a usual Thursday. We started with an hour of laptop work, spaced out, at a distance.
Then the PE teacher got us all involved in Joe Wicks’ online PE session. Although inappropriately attired, I managed to keep up. I found it was beneficial in breaking up a long morning. I did manage to focus on my inclusion children’s reviews for a whole hour and a half afterwards.
Then we all went painting and drawing for an hour before lunch, which we then enjoyed in the sunshine.

After lunch was gardening. It started with cutting back dead herbs to use for firelighting.

This then escalated into digging over flower beds, digging out large roots, destroying a few spades, making muddy holes and then replanting a whole flower bed. All were busy and engaged until the end of the day.

A great day at school. And great to meet some
new children.