February half term with friends and family has come and gone, and so it seems to be March already. Although the past month has shown us wind and rain with the strength of a lion, the sun has started to make an appearance on the skyline as I wake up and its always a better start to the day than darkness.

This morning there was sunshine and birdsong as I pottered in the woods getting ready for this weeks projects. Hopefully it will be the small start of our first after school sessions. We're going to have a go at using tools to drill some rounds to make necklaces and tags for ourselves and the woodland. I made a kind of vice- to hold the wood to drill it safely. It was something small which had been in my collection of images. I find pictures often more valuable to my productivity than lists.

The daffodils are growing and I've been teaching the small people a spring song.
"Spring is here" said the bumblebee,
"How you you know?" said the old oak tree,
"Because I saw a daffodil,
Dancing with the fairies on the windy hill".
(My lovely friend Vic always says that I should be in a band- so what do you think about putting this beauty on the set list Vic?) It's not as cool as her DJ son who has a brilliant gig on soho radio on a Saturday. Listen in if you can- he is gloriously brilliant and just 17. It's on from 2-4pm once a month -Jack WIlliams. https://www.sohoradiolondon.com

After lots of paper work and grown up meetings, my brilliant, busy sister and I have formed a Community Interest Company. Oh yeah! Sounds very grown up I know.
The company’s activities will provide benefit to ...
People of all ages in the community, with the provision of educational experiences in local woodland and outdoors.
This will allow good quality direct outdoor learning experiences and opportunities in a local woodland, for children and adults in that community and will provide opportunities for families to meet, share and learn with others in a local outdoor or woodland environment.
Experiences will build participants’ self-esteem,confidence, independence and creativity and their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Experiences will develop people's understanding of the world and themselves through play and exploration.
We will also focus on the provision of habitat management measures to protect and enhance wildlife and natural environment. Ensuring continuing and sustainable habitat management by ‘treading lightly’ on the environment and supporting increased biodiversity. This will provide opportunities for people to learn about, engage with and conserve the natural environment.

In the course of the paperwork, our certificate inadvertently got sent to the wrong place. It was returned by some lovely people from South Wales who are starting the management of a 5 acre woodland there. They hope to provide some outdoor learning spaces in the woodland for the community. It has been great to make a random but brilliant connection with others doing lovely things elsewhere.
I've worked in the woods with an outdoor pre-school and had the delight of woodland pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. I've made a connection with a brilliant place which take learning outside and hope to be working with them during the warmer summer months. https://www.thegardenclassroom.org.uk
I met my oldest and dearest ladies yesterday for brunch. We got a car stuck in the mud and got it out again and talked of news and future ideas. These involved amongst other things broken wrists, twin babies, dementia care, botox, a trip on a ferry and support. I'm hoping the signs of spring signal new and exciting things to come for all. And let's hope we are on the way to more lamb like life.