We headed out from school and along the Forest Way today. What a difference a few days make! The river, although still high, is not flowing up in line with the bridge as it was last week. We spotted the tadpoles we found last week and were amazed they had not been washed away by the rain. We collected some, so we could watch them develop and then return them to their ditch at a later time.
Having crossed the water to look closely at the tadpoles, we set off on an adventure, scrambling up steep slopes and in and under trees. There were trails and pits to follow and hide in. We sat in a pit and drank hot squash and munched biscuits whilst we talked over the highs and lows of our days and stories of adventures.
We found the path led to a brick wall, so slid down a vertiginous slope. The ditch was deep with water, so the children armed with sticks and words of confidence, helped each other cross the waterway. We got muddied and wet and giggled at the journey we had chosen.
In the woods we set about making a path to ensure the bluebells could continue to thrive. And had a scramble and a climb on the ropes.
A perfect way to spend a couple of after school hours.