The children started their day with an exploration through the woodland and some tree identification games and spotted a nest. They collected a whole trolley load of wood, sorted it into sizes and built and lit their fire with a spark onto char cloth and a whole lot of breath! It warmed us throughout the day and led to some creative exploration of their ideas.
Today was filled with egg based creativity and adventures. The children dyed some eggs on the fire and then decorated them, to create a wonderful range of characters! They decided that their eggs needed homes, so set off creating some crazy constructions, some wooded, some clay, some lined with moss, some feathers, as every egg deserves a comfy home in the woods! The dye was then used to paint and create further with clay and experiment were had with baking the clay to dry with the fire.
Then it was down to the serious business of play...
And climbing...
And swinging...
And balancing...
And playing...
After lunch we went on a grand adventure through the Scotts pine woods. We played 'Who can throw the pine cones the furthest?' and 'Spirit of the Forest' and talked about different plants and animals that we had seen in the woodlands. We found a pond, some violets and our first bluebells of the year! Sharing what they had enjoyed about the day, the children put out the fire with a cup of water and a reflection about their day. Today was all about friends...old friends, new friends, egg friends, forest friends. May the connections continue to grow.
What an amazing day! Luca LOVED it and was full of stories of your adventures - brilliant, brilliant activities, insightful learning and magical time together... thank you !🤩❤️